Come join us for Fellowship; make new friends; learn more about God's love for us.
Come join us for Fellowship; make new friends; learn more about God's love for us.
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You would be very welcome at Fala Church on the first and third Thursday of each month when we hold a service at 2pm.
Sat Nav: Fala - EH37 5SY
Every month that has five Sundays in it sees the congregation meet at the Village Hall in Fala on that fifth Sunday.
The service starts at 10.15 and is followed by a light brunch
5th Sunday Worship is different! Its a Celebration and Brunch. It's bring a friend! It's getting to know you! It‘s a chance to chat over a cuppa and something to eat. It's a warm welcome to newcomers.!
If you would like to learn more of the history of Fala Church and Soutra Isle then follow the link below.
We are three congregations who, under God, are seeking to build up a Christ-centred Church. The aims of the congregation as expressed in our Mission Statement are:
1. To worship and glorify God – in praise and prayer, trusting in Jesus Christ and depending on the Holy Spirit.
2. To learn and develop together: listening to God, using our gifts and living in humble obedience to Jesus Christ.
3. To value support and encourage one another in honest forgiving love.
4. To proclaim the love of God: telling people about Jesus and actively caring for all in need.
A picturesque rural church built of sandstone, Cranstoun Church is situated near Oxenfoord Castle; it is an attractive venue for weddings.
A long avenue of trees leads to Oxenfoord Castle which is available for receptions.
The church has the largest of the three congregations and it is located a mile from the main village, Pathhead.
There was a major building refurbishment in 2009 creating an attractive sanctuary with a mix of seating and pews. The improved layout has increased the circulation space, encouraging people to stay for refreshments and a chat after the service. A new vestry at the back of the church is suitable for small meetings.
Sat Nav: Pathhead EH37 5UB
Fala Church is situated on a hill and at night is a spot - lit landmark on the A68 as you enter Midlothian from the South; it traces its history back to the 12th Century. It is an intimate, warm, and welcoming little church serving the local villages and surrounding farms.
Fala is a pretty village that has seen a significant demographic change in the last few years, with a number of young families moving in; being well suited for commuting to Edinburgh, East Lothian, and the Borders.
It has both a Session House and separate village hall with disabled facilities, a private nursery taking infants from the age of 3 months to 5 years, and a playing field.
The Session House is well suited for church meetings and small social gatherings. The Village Hall is used by Tyne Valley Parish for larger functions such as the Holiday Club preparation and the Maundy Thursday Supper.
Amongst other events, the villagers hold a monthly café that is well supported by children through to seniors and very welcoming to visitors.
This small but faithful congregation is very active in the life of the village.
Sat Nav: Fala - EH37 5SY
With Borthwick church no longer in use, the TVP congregation now meet in North Middleton Village Hall.
This is the TVP base for alternate monthly Messy Church gatherings, informal evening communion services and regular Family Worship.
Middleton Village Community Hall is owned by the village and run by volunteers.
It is heated by a ground source heat pump and has a fully fitted commercial kitchen and bar facilities -ideal for weddings, parties and Messy Church.
We are delighted that Borthwick Church have relocated to use our facilities.
The hall is bright and clean with built in data projection and sound facilities. There are a couple of small areas ideal for use in smaller services, an area within the hall where children can do crafts while remaining part of the main church or for breakout rooms.
Sat Nav: North Middleton EH23 4QU
The website is maintained by Sana Forrest. email:
Tyne Valley Parish (Church of Scotland) is a Registered Scottish Charity - SC006926
(Tyne Valley Parish consists of Borthwick Cranstoun and Fala )
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