Come join us for Fellowship; make new friends; learn more about God's love for us.
Come join us for Fellowship; make new friends; learn more about God's love for us.
Signed in as:
The Power of Prayer
When we have troubles or worries there’s nothing better than to find help and to share.
Tyne Valley Church is very willing to help you by offering time for prayer through our Prayer Circle’s fortnightly gatherings.
You can ask us to pray on your behalf via email, knowing that all matters are kept strictly confidential, or you can come along and join in one of our prayer times. Remember, you don’t have to say a prayer yourself, just simply come along.
You can contact us via this website and either click on the ‘more’ tab where you will find a "contact us" form or at the bottom of each page you will find a link to "Prayer Requests" simply click, complete and send.
We know that prayer is indeed powerful. Jesus taught us that we ought always to pray and not lose heart and that prayer has great power as it is working.
Don’t let your worries weigh you down. Prayer can work miracles why not try it!
TVP Prayer Circle
Led by Iain Luke, this group meets alternate Mondays in various homes including Haddington and new members are always welcome.
Please contact Iain Luke for further details:
Tel: 01620849301
*Home Group**West*
meets for fellowship and faith study
at 7.30pm alternate Tuesday evenings in various homes
Group members take it in turns to lead as they feel able.
New members welcome (from any part of parish).
*For more information contact: Robert or Susan on 01875 823180*
Meeting fortnightly on a Thursday evening, this group gets together in each other’s homes to explore and develop our faith in God. Through following a sermon series, use of Bible study guides or other suitable literature, we strive to deepen our
relationship with God and to grow in our love and knowledge of Him, as well as enjoying close fellowship with each other.
Contact Marilyn Lacey on 01875 320938
The Friday night Home Group meets fortnightly and at present, is made up of women from our three congregations.
We meet in each others' homes to discuss a wide variety of bible-based topics and pray together.
We would be happy to welcome anyone starting out on a journey of faith as well as being able to share the experiences of someone who has travelled further along that road.
Contact tel: 03330 113954
Bring your children to messy church the fourth Sunday of each month. A great introduction to informal church with crafts and snacks to folllow
To register
P7 - S6 . . . all welcome to join in the fun, frolics and hi-jinks on alternate Tuesday evenings; you'll find us at the top of the village in "The Pathway to Success"
or contact Reece on
Midlothian Foodbank,
During the Coronavirus crisis, people can donate money directly if they wish to the Midlothian Foodbank.
Details are:
Bank of Scotland - Sort Code 80-22-60 and Account Number 18008466
· Fairtrade has improved the lives of millions of people - farmers, workers and their families - in developing countries. Here in the UK we lead the world on Fairtrade. Last year we munched on 1.42 billion bananas and drank 5.6 billion cups of Fairtrade tea and coffee.
· There is more to Fairtrade than food products. You can buy Fairtrade clothes, jewellery and footballs!
· Fairtrade products come from more than 70 countries scattered across Africa, Asia, South America and the Caribbean, and the Fairtrade system works with more than 1.3 million farmers and workers.
· The Churches in the Tyne Valley Parishes all subscribe to the Fairtrade Standards and Cranstoun Church is a Fairtrade Church.
· Everyone can make a difference - by buying Fairtrade tea, coffee, sugar, fruit, cakes, biscuits and wine.
· There is a Fairtrade stall every month in Cranstoun Church (for more information contact Catherine Leitch - 03330113954
The Music Group
For the past few years, the Music Group, (or Praise Band or simply ‘band’) have led worship roughly once a month at our TVP Sunday services. We endeavour to introduce new music to the congregation as well as playing older, ‘well-loved’ favourites.
At present we are an enthusiastic band of six, and on occasion, our numbers swell to an equally enthusiastic seven! Currently, we are one cellist, one bass guitarist, one rhythm guitarist, one lead guitarist, one twelve string guitarist, one vocalist and occasionally, we have the great pleasure of having a keyboard player which enhances the musical dynamics.
Infrequently, some of us have even been known to pick up a harmonica, a tin whistle, a banjolele, a ukulele, a tambourine or finger bells! Almost an orchestra! So, if you play any instrument and would like to join our merry band, you would be most welcome!
If you’d like to know more please contact Marilyn Lacey on 01875 320938
Healthy Walking Groups.
You have a choice of two groups to suit your style of walking, to get out into the local country and enjoy some great chat at the same time as you get healthy. Both groups are very informal, they decide on the day where to walk and you are responsible for your own safety. They walk every fortnight.
At an easy pace -Tuesday morning, 10am from the Pathhead Sports Pavilion, up to an hour, with coffee and biscuits at the end back at the Pavilion.
At a faster pace- Wednesday morning, 10am from Pathhead Village Hall. The walks can last up to 90 minutes.
Contact David Richardson (01875 320041) to be added to the mailing list for updates on the walk dates.
Tuesday Community Cafe, Pathhead Sports Pavilion, 10.30am to 12pmStill going strong after many years, the Café is open every Tuesday from 10.30am to 12pm. Join us for a cuppa and a good blether. It is run by a small team of volunteers and new faces can be sure of a warm welcome if you want to get involved.
Pop in to see Helen or David if you would like to help or learn more about it.
The website is maintained by Sana Forrest. email:
Tyne Valley Parish (Church of Scotland) is a Registered Scottish Charity - SC006926
(Tyne Valley Parish consists of Borthwick Cranstoun and Fala )
Welcome! we're so happy to welcome you to our website. Do you need any help or want to tell us something? Go to contact page and drop us an email.