Come join us for Fellowship; make new friends; learn more about God's love for us.
Come join us for Fellowship; make new friends; learn more about God's love for us.
Signed in as:
Coming Soon.....A date for your Diary Venue in the Village to be confirmed
A new Sunday evening service will be starting on 16th March in Pathhead for anyone in
the parish who, for any reason, finds that they are unable to attend the service in the morning or for anyone who finds that they prefer the evening service. The evening service is an initiative arising from the Growing Young programme in which TVP participated. It is intended to have the service at 6pm and for it to be shorter than the morning service
(about thirty minutes), informal and lively. Refreshments are planned and a chance to chat to others both before and after the service.
Details of the venue will follow soon.
Palm Sunday Celebration
Sunday 13th April in North Middleton Village Hall, at 10.15am.
We are planning something special to celebrate Palm Sunday and the start of the Easter Journey.
Families are especially welcome as we join together as a Church Family.
Good Friday Event
18th April in Pathhead Village Hall.
Join us for a fun, family-friendly
event at, featuring egg decorating, cake making, and an explanation of the Easter story..
Easter Sunday Services
20th April
7:00 am: Sunrise service at Soutra Aisle, followed by fellowship and hot rolls in Fala Session House.
10:15 am: Family Easter Worship Service in Pathhead, followed by an Easter celebration with an Easter egg hunt, an egg rolling competition, and fellowship in the Callander Park Pavilion.
Forest Church 18th May
Oxenfoord Pinetum - A chance to connect with creation and each other in a unique,outdoor service.
We would love to hear from you and help you get connected at Tyne Valley Parish Church Church.
Click here to contact us and learn more about how you can get involved.
The website is maintained by Sana Forrest. email:
Tyne Valley Parish (Church of Scotland) is a Registered Scottish Charity - SC006926
(Tyne Valley Parish consists of Borthwick Cranstoun and Fala )
Welcome! we're so happy to welcome you to our website. Do you need any help or want to tell us something? Go to contact page and drop us an email.